One Stop Shop
Law has become ever more complex over the last thirty years, with many apparently simple scenarios requiring the input of several specialist lawyers. We offer “one-stop” balanced advice on the totality of the legal issues affecting or relevant to the particular circumstances of a business or individual client.
We have practised in and written very extensively on the key business areas, including company law, partnership and other business structures, trade, exporting, employment, pensions, health and safety, taxation, data protection intellectual property, property and regulation.
Many firms require clients to engage partners, often each with a team of solicitors, across a number of departments where, as is commonly the case, the matters involve a number of legal issues. The involvement of multiple lawyers has the effect of greatly increasing fees while often failing to identify the relative importance of issues.
By combining high levels of specialism and experience across the key commercial areas of practice, we can quickly determine and execute the best strategy and course of action at a fraction of the cost incurred with conventional commercial firms.
We Listen
We know that our clients best understand their businesses, objectives, needs and requirements. We engage in detail with our clients from the beginning, to understand their particular business and circumstances. We never presume that we know the correct outcome and approach from the start.
We always seek to understand the full context of our clients’ business including accounting, taxation and financial framework of business. By listening to and understanding the particular context, we can bring our expertise and experience to bear in the most useful practical and valuable way for the benefit of our clients.
We believe that legal advice and services work best when we collaborate with our clients. We cannot make choices for our clients, but we do give our best assessment of the options available.
Practical and Commercial
Although we bring a rigorous technical appreciation to the subject of law, we are keenly aware of its practical impact in the particular circumstances of our clients’ business. We are intensely aware of practical realities, limitations and defects of legal practice and the legal system.
By bringing a broad overview of the relevant areas of law and practice to bear, together with taxation and practical business perspective, we give balanced, comprehensive and practical advice and assistance on the legal, tax and practical issues that arise for our clients. We have been often able to resolve acute legal difficulties by detailed insight into the legal issues and by finding unexpected legal anomalies and opportunities.
We tailor our advice and approach to our clients’ wishes and requirements. We know that some clients require detailed examination of choices while others prefer shorter and concise advice.